What's the use of being the most powerful warrior spy on the planet if you can't chase a little skirt? Eisenhower had a mistress. Napoleon had a mistress. All the top generals had mistresses. 4-star Generals lay more pipe than Frank Sinatra.
I go back and forth. I think the issue is blackmail and access to confidential material. I mean, we already learned this bitch is crazy by sending out those emails. At the same time, Petraeus has been instrumental in counter insurgency practices and procedures and it sucks to lose him. Just a bad deal all around.
I agree in most positions but as the director of the CIA, I think it's a little different. Normally I say the exact same thing but I"m not sure on this one.
It's well and good until the mistress turns psycho and is a threat to national security. At that point she has to have an accident on a bridge going across a river.
This is the correct statement. When you have top secret clearance there can't be huge secrets that people can use as leverage against you. The loss of Petraeus loss comes at a crucial time, and it looks like that it is going to bring John Allen down too. No way he gets confirmed to be the NATO commander now.
Im giving him a pass, have you seen his wife. Lucky the guy was banging hookers and snorting blow off their asses. This is what he had to look at everyday.