Lots of stupid penalties yesterday. I know emotions were high but we have to clean that shit up. Even with the games in Death Valley the refs will be hot to trot on us when we play Bama and Jawja
If we would have beaten auburn by 20 points the media would be saying auburn was overrated just like the Miami win. I think strategically its better the way it ended.
I need to go back and rewatch but I thought the ref was behind Stidham not in position to see any accidental touch of the facemask. But my biggest issue on this and the targeting call is the lack of any evaluation of intent. I think the zero tolerance policy is just diminishing the football product further. All for protecting the players from intentional dangerous plays but let's use some common sense.
Intent is tough to prove. I dont mind zebras erring on side of caution long as its called evenly on both sides. A certain play where a Bama player suplexed our QB after a play was blown dead for false start comes to mind. Fkn Birmingham zebras never batted an eye.
It’s not like they don’t know about it, they are taught to stay away from that area. It carries such a stiff penalty (ejection) that it’s not worth it. I know heat of battle and all but as mentioned discipline must be used. I’m not defending the call just stating that we are seeing a change and we have to embrace it. Saw a special on tv about CTE and they said 74 out of 75 (I think) of the brains autopsies from football brains had it. That stat alone will make the league change their policy on head shots.
I agree 100%. We had some very questionable ejections in the moo u game last year. I think on one of them our guy even held the qb up, kept him from falling and they tossed him. It's not that easy to stop 280 + lbs once at speed. There will be some contact.
Check out the hit on Jefferson on our 2 point attempt. If thats not targeting a defenseless player what the hell is.
I hear the arguments, but players have to anticipate and adjust to the changes in rules. If you’re used to driving 80 on a highway that now has a new light/yield, and don’t think to slow down soon enough and plow into another car, it doesn’t matter what you were used to, or how good your intentions were, or whether you pressed your brakes but couldn’t stop, it’s still your fault. They have to change their mindset. The problem is that they’ve let this go on too long, and change is hard, so it comes across as diminished product, when it should have been the expectation all along. Then when it happens it would be the obvious to all.
Dumb penalties come down to player's discipline. I am all for LSU running some wildcat with Edwards-Helaire, however, three out f the fout times we ran it, we had illegal procedure penalties. We easily could have converted those, extended drives and had points. Discipline. If we clean up the penalties, this Offense could easily be trouble for opponents.