It's not even close. I guess Bama fan would tell us that fans in almost every other state just have it wrong, right? BS.
Saturday Night Slant (@snslant) 12/3/11 11:56 PM RT @dannykanell13: Alright my vote for #1 is LSU and #2 is OSU. Hands down the two best teams in the country and IMO should play for title
He is right in many senses. A lot of people out of the country will want to see if someone that LSU hasn't already beaten can beat us. It's that simple. I do agree that an LSU-OSU matchup has more national appeal than LSU-Bama, which would have incredibly strong southern appeal, but southern appeal only.
Man I hate Delaware. I mean why is that even a state? They deserve 2 senators? And they charge you 4 bucks just to drive through the little dump! EDIT: Umm, they can stay in the Union, they are voting our way now. Sorry about that.
I know the votes are still coming in but MS just turned gray, which means that bama is the only blue state (and its 60-40 in bama- thanks Auburn) :lol:
Just saw this on the twitter feed that gumbo linked in another thread. . . Mike Griffith (@MikeGriffith32) on Twitter
By the way, while we are on the subject of voting, if you haven't voted yet, and you want to, you can here, just scroll down to near the bottom. ESPN: The Worldwide Leader In Sports