If Murphy is granted a 6th year he will be on the team. He has a shot at it but it is a special case since the year in question is the one the NCAA Clearinghouse didn't get him cleared in time for Fall practices.
Although it seems Murphy is a great kid and inspirational his stats don't really warrant more playing time. He has the capacity to pick up the blitz because of his experience, but I think the younger backs are more talented.
I won't be shocked, but some bench-warmers may. Look at last summer when a player was dismissed and another had his scholarship pulled to meet the 85. Both players squawked loudly in the press, making LSU look bad. Whoever the ten most expendable players are, they better be wise. Because if 9 or 10 players don't transfer, grayshirt, quit football, get dismissed, or flunk out . . . scholarships will be pulled. This will not be a good spring and summer to be a practice slacker, get in trouble with the law, or get in the coaches doghouse for any reason.
Elliot Porter is one you're talking about, but the interesting thing is, he's trying to come back to LSU as a walk on. I'm sure this has been an interesting turn of events for him. In hindsight, he should've taken the grayshirt...but I'm sure he realizes that now. - And FWIW, Elliot didn't squawk too loudly. Just Garrett.
Porter was mostly fine with taking the greyshirt but his dad wasn't at the time. BTW, Porter is now enrolled at LSU and is walking on.
Out of the entire list of scholarship players are you telling me that we don't have nine of them who resided in Louisiana for at least two years, graduated from a Louisiana high school, have a minimum HS GPA of 2.50, scored a 20 on the ACT and taking 17.5 core units? We really are scraping the bottom of the barrel in this state...
Come on, we have like one or two guys a year fighting with clearinghouse issues and most of them are clarifications on courses.:yelwink2: