I am amazed that after example after example of failed socialism experiments, people think simply changing their moral code to include everything as a right is still void of the actual funds to pay for it. I dont expect Liberals to be good at math around here.
What failed socialism experiments are you talking about? Every other major developed economy in this world has socialized medicine and none of them have failed.
I'm doing this for entertainment and your inability to grasp simple concepts has been undisappointingly amusing. I'm very aware that using actual facts to argue my case won't win over anybody here because it's obvious that facts don't matter to Trump voters. You're the "alternative facts" people who elected the biggest liar who ever came down the pike. Now that that's covered I'll ask a question: does it frustrate you that you voted for a pathological liar snatchgrabber because you were pissed about your insurance premiums and yet your Republican representatives can't get anything better passed?
You confuse coverage with success. Wait times are extreme in Britain. Sweden is overrun by Muslims now and cant keep it under control. I could go on, but you know the drill.
Your first mistake is that opposition to YOU means we are "Trump supporters". I would bet most here just didn't want HRC as president.
You're funny and you assume to much. Already said I'm not a trump fan. I voted for Gary Johnson but I'm damn glad Hillary didn't win. No alternative facts here just the real deal. Yet again your lies do not change the truth. Damn it sucks being you getting beaten so soundly at every turn. But damn it's funny from my end. I'll be out of pocket a while got a box full of trout to clean but I'll expect your next very predictibly post to be just as clownish and amusing you lovable moron you.
Must be a teacher thing. Red always declared victory over Martin but usually had his ass handed to him. Rex isn't kicking your ass. Just a declaration observation. As you were