The Only Way I Would Ever Hire Les Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Bengal B, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I feel better about O's hire than I did Miles'. Especially after seeing game 1.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Exactly, but who else was there? To have done that would have landed us with someone we've never heard of. Probably, but then again, no one knew of Miles or Saban before they got here. I think they could have done better had they tried but they set the bar too high then took a dive.

    I think most of us, well all of us sans 1 are in this boat.
    Lets just hope he sticks around for another season or 3
    Haha, a lot of folks will be keeping an eye on this. Word is he is running things like a dictator up there.
    KyleK likes this.
  3. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    The Miles hire was a head-scratcher, for sure, though it turned out well for a long time. Miles did lose his edge over time, and a change was needed. But it was handled poorly. If Alleva wanted to fire Miles in '15, he should have done it then since he proceeded to fire him anyway 4 games into the '16 season.

    Miles, however, whether you like it or not, had a better head coaching resume than Orgeron. Was it stellar? Nope, not at all. Was it better than Orgeron's stint at Ole Miss? Absolutely. So...why do you feel "better" about the O hire? Because he's a Cajun and the rest of the country is laughing about needing subtitles to understand him?
    Brian likes this.
  4. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Eaux's record at Ole Miss is barely a blip at this point. If he crashes and burns then maybe it can be revisited as an indicator, but lots of water has passed under the bridge since then.

    A major caveat - with Aranda and Canada, I feel much better about the Eaux hire than I did with Miles. A seasoned and respected coach leading two highly lauded young coaches seems like a great recipe, or at least a great experiment. Miles retained Jimbo, but I wasn't really a fan of Jimbo. He also got Pelini, who turned out to be good, but started out with the monicker Tepperlini. Not to mention, Miles was filling Saban's shoes vs O filling Miles' shoes. Big difference. The cultural fit is just lagniappe.

    I remember early in Miles' first year feeling severe dismay at the lack of attention to detail vs what Saban brought. Compared to Eaux's interim run, it pales.
    Brian and Bengal B like this.
  5. BayouBengal014

    BayouBengal014 Founding Member

    May 21, 2012
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    Les Miles didn't know how to recruit QBs. Cam Cameron didn't know how to develop them. Les Miles inherited Matt Flynn and Zach Mettenberger. The only 2 QBs that hes ever had success with. His philosophy was to keep it simple stupid which is why we were so vanilla.
  6. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Shane, I thought I would have to debrief our jaunt to Stillwater. The first thing that amused me was a misconception my dear firstborn was operating under...a couple of miles south of the Oklahoma border, she told her baby sister, "Quit complaining about being in the car. OSU isn't too far into Oklahoma." Oh, really? No, sweetie, it's almost in Kansas.

    Stillwater can't even really call itself a town, and it's an hour from Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The campus, however, was quite appealing and seemed pretty safe (a big deal when thinking of depositing an 18-year-old girl there.). She definitely liked the vibe of the campus, and she was impressed with that gorgeous football stadium--also liking a dorm that was in easy walking distance of it. In short, she could picture herself there, and I could picture her there, too. If only I could get past imagining her driving her little Camry 200 some-odd miles by herself to and from college a few times a year. (Our neighbors' son is a senior at OSU, and they did not allow him to take his car up there until he was a sophomore.)

    A ton of kids from Plano go up there. The out-of-state tuition is comparable to in-state tuition at UT or A & M, and with it being four hours away, it's not further away from home than Austin or College Station; it's simply in another state. (For that matter, anyone going to Texas Tech from here has an 8-hour drive...sheesh...)
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Boone has thrown a lot of money at it. Ive been there a couple times and yes the stadium is nice. Glad she liked it
  8. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I could definitely see evidence of the T. Boone Pickens money. It was little things, too, like free laundry in all of the dorms, and all kinds of construction going on around campus.

    Another thing that struck us was how windy it was. That's saying a lot, too, because DFW is really windy most of the time, but this was on another level altogether. I can't imagine that's pleasant as the cold fronts start rolling in during the late fall.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yesterday was bad, its not like that all the time. No wind at all today, i should be on the course
  10. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I was wondering about the wind. It had to be 30-40 mph gusts. I figured it might be the norm there since it was just a random day in August (but I know there were storms that came in later yesterday evening.)

    Suffice to say that both of my daughters ended up putting their long hair up in hair ties (and I really wished that I had one because I was freaking wind blown.)

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