The Official "Trade Reggie Bush" thread

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by b_leblanc, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Don't get me wrong, I think he has tons of potential and I'm a Saints fan so I really want him to do well. However it is crystal clear that he has not lived up to the hype nor has he earned his pay. At times his attitude has been worse than his play. This is the first season that he has shown any glimpse that he realizes it's better to run north and south. It's also the first time in his career that he discovered that he is wearing pads too and can deliver a hit as well as take one. He still flashes back to old Reggie often. He has a long long way to go before he is half the player the Saints drafted him to be. The Saints need him to succeed for them to advance past the NFC Championship. I'll be screaming at the tv and pulling for him as big as anyone this Sunday. I hope to come back and sing his praise after the game. That doesn't change the history of his career up to this point though.Saintslogo:thumb:
  2. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Negative. Mr. Bush's contract is through the 2011 season.
  3. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Hmmmm, didn't know that, thought it was a 4 year deal. Ok so..... this is a good thing, does this make his value go up? If he has a bad ass NFCCG and Super Bowl (IF Applicable) do the Saints deal him while he is at his peak value? Or do they resign him?
  4. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    His original contract was reworked after the 2007 season.

    Seeing as he has 2 more years under contract to the Saints, a great postseason would make him much more valuable to other teams, but still a very high price ($8M next season, 11.8M in 2011). You hardly ever see many of these type of big trades anymore in the NFL, I think he's staying put. It makes Thomas and Bell more tradeable though as they have shown their worth and have much more manageable contracts for a GM to take on.

    If he gets more carries and continues to produce like he did Saturday, I doubt many will keep complaining. I sure won't.
  5. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    The Saint's would be crazy to trade either of those two, they actually produce on a consistent basis and are a big reason the Saints are where they are. Plus neither is exactly high priced.
  6. *LSUTiger*


    Oct 23, 2008
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    I hope the idiot who made this thread goes and hides under the biggest rock:huh:
  7. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I'm going to sit back and let Mickey Loomis do what he do on this one. He has built an emerging juggernaut through drafting well, key free agent acquisitions, cutting dead weight (where possible), and managing the cap. Even through Katrina. I'd love for Bush to stay a Saint for his career, especially if he continues to play like he has down the stretch this season. But he still leaves some question marks in my mind about his durability and his ability to be an every down back. At the end if the day, it seems like a tough decision where it'll be easy to be damned if you do and damned if you don't. I'm glad Loomis has to make it and not me.

    If Duece us really back and finally healthy, that makes it an even tougher decision. If they are both playing well and 100%, how do you tell Bell or Thomas they have to go? I think PT could be our future. Hard decisions to be made this off season.
  8. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    I'm definitely with you on that. Loomis and Payton have done an outstanding job. I'm just gonna sit back, watch and enjoy. This has been a lifetime in the making.
  9. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Deuce looked kind of heavy at the game. The game announcers said it was a one day contract. I'm still not sure if it was a motivational ploy or if they are actually going to try to use him.
  10. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Either way, it's a win.

    If he doesn't play, it's a great motivational thing for the team, plus it psyches the Vikes. (unintentional rhyme)

    If he does, he could be a good blocking addition in the backfield.

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