The Official "Trade Reggie Bush" thread

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by b_leblanc, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    agreed. Let him play out his contract. Then, he can either take a pay cut or leave in free agency. If we do try and shop him around i'd wait till after the season. Doesn't he have two years left on his contract after this season, or is it just one?
  2. c17driver24

    c17driver24 Freshman

    Nov 3, 2009
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    First of all, it is past week 6, so trading him is not feasible, even if other teams didn't realize he was a bust. This post has evolved into a "let reggie sit the bench until he is a free agent" blog.

    Second, the point that you will take his anybody could have scored TD is gimme, of course we will, but it doesn't mean we have to keep giving him touches when Bell and Thomas are producing. Bush is a sunk cost, we have already spent the money, but we won't get the money back by forcing him to get touches...It is obvious the coaching staff is moving that direction also, just look at the numbers.

    Bush seems like a great guy, you cant fault his personality and charisma...but personality and charisma don't produce yards or prevent fumbles.
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  3. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    i think he's useless, but don't see much value in him via trade.

    coulda saved you 8 mil and let Pierre, Bell, Devery, Meachem, Moore, etc etc. run that same play with the exact same effect.

    I'll take a bad play or two here and there if he keeps putting up MVP type numbers.
  4. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Your opinion seems way harsh but it's just that - your opinion. I think that objectively, "useless" is way overstating it. Not worth the money against the cap is more accurate. But as the thread title was relating to trading Bush, I'm the first to be open to any scenario that's remotely possible. It's morphed into an "I hate Reggie because he makes too much money for too little production". Are Bell and Thomas better more productive starting running backs? Hell yes! I know this because I wear my Pierre Thomas jersey way more than my Bush one. My point is that there isn't one viable trade scenario that anyone could come up with. I'm sure Mickey Loomis wouldn't avoid a call about acquiring Bush. Problem is that his phone isn't ringing and isn't likely to.

    Of course hindsight is 20/20 and if you could have spent that money elsewhere you would have. I would too. So would the Saints. Hence the problem with NFL rookie superstar contracts. Maybe the next CBA will fix it.

    That was pure sarcasm about Brees, BTW.
  5. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    ok, so useless is a little harsh.

    I don't hate Reggie. Have no reason to hate Reggie. I also have slightly above ZERO emotional investment in the Saints or any other NFL team. So I'd like to think I'm somewhat objective when I watch pro-football.

    I look at other skill position players from Reggie's draft class, and see a lot more production from guys playing in much lower scoring, less explosive offenses.

    I look on just the Saints roster, and can come up with at least half a dozen guys who I would rather see touch the ball in any given situation.

    For whatever reason, his game has not translated well into the NFL.

    Will it ever? hell, I don't know.

    All I know is that Reggie is probably the Saints 7th or 8th best option on any given play.

    And I can only laugh when people give me that "decoy" BS.
    This offense does not need a decoy.

    i know
  6. Kkille1LSU

    Kkille1LSU Founding Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Bush is covered by a cornerback instead of a linebacker coming out of the backfield. Decoy successful. Bush covered by a linebacker either in slot or out of the backfield, significant yardage gained. He is faster and quicker then the other RBs and has WAY WAY better hands. He is the second best receiver on the team. He is just too damn expensive.

    Every team in the NFL uses decoys. That is why receivers run different routes and play actions are run. Decoys is just another name for misdirection. The saints just have the most expensive one.
  7. c17driver24

    c17driver24 Freshman

    Nov 3, 2009
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    Yes he is a decoy, and an expensive one, but in order for a decoy to work they must produce when they are not decoys. Lets take the most basic decoy for example, playaction pass. The playaction pass will not work unless the defense is afraid of the run. I still have not been convinced that any defense is truly afraid of what reggie bush can do to you. Sure, he scored a leaping TD on a fake reverse against Miami, and guess what, he wasn't the decoy, Henderson was. And again against atlanta, the misdirection on the line was the decoy, not Bush. So, honestly, I am not even buying the decoy argument, because he is just not any more effective as a decoy than Thomas or Bell would be.
  8. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    there was a play in the Monday Nighter where he ran out into the flat for what would have been an easy swing pass.

    Dude was WIDE OPEN. as in not a single defender even acknowledged his presence on the field.

    Brees still completed it downfield to Colston (if i'm remembering the right play).

    so even when he's on the field as a decoy, defenses are respecting him less and less with each game.
  9. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    The difference between this season and Devery before this season are like night and day. He is possibly the most improved player in the NFL.

    To stay on topic, Bush still sucks!!!! Looks like the coaching staff is finally coming to their senses and writing him out of the play book. The more time he spends on the sideline the more successful the offense is.
  10. c17driver24

    c17driver24 Freshman

    Nov 3, 2009
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    respecting him less and less as they should...and so are the Saints coaches evidently

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