I think it's fitting and ironic that the tree in Toomer's Corner is today so heavily bedecked with a**wipe. It will take 100 times the TP already there to clean up the stink of AU's organization, IMHO!
You're spot on there... Under no circumstances would I miss my son playing in the biggest game college football has to offer.
It is not a question of being there for your son, of course we all would. On the other hand, I know I wouldn't have shopped my son around in violation of the rules for 180k to have been put in the position of having to agree not to be with my son for his Heisman award and championship game. No, the point is that clearly it is a game of deceit and defiance. Presumable both Auburn and Cecil agreed that he would stay away as part of the deal with the NCAA....and, Cam reinstated because allegedly knew nothing (wink, wink) about being shopped. Similarly, Cam professed that his dad would not be at the game (wink, wink) yet knew exactly where he was sitting to seek him out after the game. This flies in the face of the "mutual agreement" and respect (what little there must be) for enforcement of the rules of the NCAA.
If I had just months earlier found out that my dad had shopped me around for personal gain, I'm not so sure we would be on as good of terms as portrayed in this article. You know, IF I knew nothing about it.
Should we be surprised? There are always going to be people who have the attitude that rules only apply to the people who follow them!:rolleye33:
When the rules aren't being followed, and the people who make the rules cover for those who don't follow them for their own personal gain, it tends to create a lot more rulebreakers.