Oooorrrr maybe he is National Coach of the Year...oh wait, I do NOT have to say "maybe"...he IS the reigning National Coach of the Year isn't he?
I think LSU will probably pass about 35% of the time. We have at least one talented QB but about 10 running backs that could win the bronze guy if they started for ND/OSU/USC, etc. You go with what you got.
Amazing how raw the JJ issue is. Understandable but it seems the ones that can't let it go persist at picking at the wound so it can't heal. Let it go guys move on and enjoy the this year and the future.
Agree with that. Jefferson brought a LITTLE on that himself with risky outing at Shadys but to be fair, almost no one would have been even been charged in a situation like that where the OTHER GUY started it. But because the other guy got his butt kicked, he was charged. The grand jury did knock down the charges so much I doubt he will ever go to trial. Anyway, he and Jarrett Lee were both overrated out of HS. I understand why NOW. Jefferson has a lot of athletic ability and the assumption probably was that his delivery could be changed to improve accuracy and his decision making would naturallly improve. Wrong! Lee's problem was never accuracy but whether he could pick up off receivers coverage (LBer/S) and would the pass rush bother him. Answers in order: no he never learned how to do that and yes to the latter. After seeing some footage from Elite 11 and LSU practices, funny how when no one is in your face and you don't have a pass rush to dodge, you play completely different if you are say a Jarrett Lee. I bet he never threw off his back foot when he was at any camp or practice because they don't let you be put in danger. After he starting playing in games, I rarely remember him NOT throwing off his back foot.