His story makes zero sense to me, maybe he didnt remember it as well. But it seems strange along with the evidence presented. But hey, who cares right..... "justifiable lynchings" have gone on long before Mike Brown was ever thought of. Just another dead black criminal...... not the kind of kid that shoots up a movie theater and survives and is described as misunderstood, right?!
Not to mention the prosecutor actually giving up his job to lay people on a grand jury without suggesting charges. Then his press conference was just very odd, never seen a DA go as far as to discredit the dead.
None of this is contradictory evidence. It only raises questions to the validity of they story. It is classic conspiracy theorist spin that something else could have happened. People don't get indicted on conspiracy theories.
I guess I was just trying to read into your point by posting a link you did not comment on. My bad. The link still doesn't offer anything of value except conspiracy.
well aware of that, i wasnt surprised at the verdict, rarely do these events end up in any indictment.
or breaches in police protocol of such an provocative event, like calling the investigator to rehash the story. or not taking notes during an investigation... but hey who am I.
I still think that this case should have gone to trial just so that everything was public. Normally that is all a grand jury does. The decision to fully try this case secretly before a grand jury is not how it is normally supposed to work.