2 tickets secured for the Arkansas game. I'll be at the next one. Team Katt- my thing for the gift box will be mailed today. I went out of town this weekend and the shizz hit the fan all week at work. Thank you for collecting stuff!
People met & greeted me at the KATT tailgate. They are likely at home sick now and can't type responses in this thread.
Ok, First and foremost, TEAM KATT rocks!! I love hanging out with you guys. It was great seeing everyone again, and the other TF members who i didnt meet at the FLA game.....(or those who couldn't remember me *cough cough salty :hihi: ) Meaux I was actually really calm compared to a vodka and redbull day. Be thankful you didnt have to see that lol! macatatak, you seem to suffer from the same problem i had for about 2 years lol....once you make it there, you will be glad you did! Grad, thanks for passing along the germs :hihi: it was nice meeting you anyway! My best memory of the day was when Wee and I kicked Azz w holey board! lol Ok, I really was horrible, and only played one game, but the one shot that I actually made was done right before a Team Katt member said...."If she makes it in, I'll eat grass" He was a man of his word! LMAO! That was some funny stuff! Anyone has a pic of that??
i'm trying to get a ticket for the arky game. if i can get one, i will be driving down for it, too. it's a long drive, but worth it!
that would be great! working on it now!! EDIT! got a ticket! i am driving in for the arky game. i am so excited!