I saw a lot of games in Fenway in '03 and '04. Paid off a security guard to sneak me in for the famous Pedro/Zimmer game. Good times.
I understand where you are going with this. Expectations can change. But it's hard to compare MLB to college football. It's not so much the expectations of winning that bother me in baseball. It's the outrageous spending imbalance.
As for down-trodden, expecting the worse, you have not lived the life of a Saints fan, my man Penn. Until 2009, we had never even sniffed the NFC CG. We had a grand total of 2 playoff wins in our lurid 42-year history at that point. We would have easily traded two titles whenever they came, instead of this gris gris stuff we seemed to have going on. Can't say I have lived the life of a Saints fan. But you have your championship. I'm an Eagles fan. Enough said.
YAY! Go Sox! I was a Saints fan first, then LSU became my #1 after attending my first game vs aTm (27-0 lights out game). The electricity was amazing and so much better than a saints game because the saints never had a winning season until 87. So, as a saints fan, i also waited for them to choke and they usually did. I heard a joke "Saints are up 99-0. 1 second left on the clock. Saints have ball on opponents 1 yard line. It's still anyone's game!" That's funny because in the 80's it was so true. But, with LSU it's the opposite. From Bert Jones in 72 to Jamarcus putting us in a hole and then digging us out with little time left, LSU almost always seemed to steal victory while the saints would steal a loss. (Tampa's first ever win? Saints. the new Browns first ever win? Saints. Walter Payton breaks the rushing record against who? Saints. Why does Jerry Rice have so many TD's? Saints twice a year. I became a Red Sox fan in 75. Not because they were good, because of #19 CF Fred Lynn. Since they were good and were always on tv, i saw alot of their games and noticed this CF diving for every ball and catching most. I played the same way, so I followed him throughout his career and even took his number when playing baseball. So, to actually answer the question...LSU fans are passionate and usually drunk, but I'd say half negative and half positive
Come on now. 2006 we lost to the bleeping bears in the nfccg. Your last sentence is right on, though!!
Freddy Lynn was a sweet ballplayer. My father named my older brother Ted Williams. Supposedly, I was to be named Carl Yastrzemski, but at the last minute, my Mom shot him down.....