Okay, I see what you are saying now. I didn't know it was actually the name of an organization. I thought it was a general reference. My bad.....
A couple of things NC. I see you've gotten the memo about who Take em down New Orleans is. Apologies accepted. I didn't call them communists but meant they are using the communist playbook. This is stirring up feelings with the intent to divide not make something right. This is right out of radical left wing agitprop going back to Lenin, Trotsky, Mao etc. and yes Barry's buddy the Weather Underground. They are people who want to destroy the foundation to the US society (and I don't mean the statues). The monuments are but a tool for them to use. IMO they are no different than the Taliban or ISIS in their destructive desires. As to calling the confederates traitors you're not quite right. First while they certainly believed that the only means to keeping their society including slavery intact was secession there was a significant body of belief in both north and south there was a right to secede at least implicit in the Declaration and Constitution. This was a position states on both sides took at one time or another. In fact as I understand Texas had the right written into its voted to join the union. That it hadn't been done earlier was more a comment on the work of men like Clay, Webster, Calhoun and others in the 1840's & 50's as well as practical considerations. There were many in the north who were not opposed to the Southern secession. Only Lincoln's firm and heroic stance kept the Union together. Likewise all from the south who took an oath of allegiance were forgiven. Only Lincoln's assasins and the confederate commander of Andersonville prison were jailed after the war....not as traitors but for the crimes they committed. Why do those who fought for the south deserve remberance? Well they are recognized veterans according to the laws. Many are buried in National Cemataries. The valor and determination they showed in fighting as well as the way they went back to being loyal citizens show they deserve respect. Lee & Beauregard were outstanding citizens before and especially after the war and outstanding leaders during it. Both fought for equality of the races after the war...try reading about them before passing such a harsh judgement. Davis was one of the leaders as Senator and Sec of War as well as hero in the Mexican War. The burden he assume as president of the confederacy was Herculean and yes he had significant faults and failed in the end his efforts deserve recognition. So yes I have zero problem with them being remembered and honored. I also have no problem with additional information on the horrors of slavery and the resistance to civil rights and evils of racism being added. If we don't recognize and remember ALL of our history we are doomed to repeat it. Remember there is a statue of Cromwell in front of the Houses of Parliament. Finally I think the majesty and beauty of the monuments and their location is a part of the equation. Beauregard was a citizen of New Orleans who gave so much to its character. Do you know he was instrumental in establishing the street car line? His statue in front of City Park and NOMA was magnificent and we are less without it. Lee was a beacon for men to follow. He was the perfect 19th century gentleman and should still be someone to live up to. Likewise his monument is a beacon for the city.
You HAVE heard, haven't you, that it's already been taken down? Good riddance to that ridiculous eyesore.
I agree with you that there are fringe elements from both sides who are trying to undermine our society and it isn't confined to one side. I can also agree that the monument removal, like anything else, can get taken too far. I had such a conversation today by chance where, believe it or not, I was accused of being a racist because I stated that I have no white guilt.
Huh, I don't see why,.. I was schooled mostly in California, we were taught/Lee was portrayed, as an honorable soldier, an American patriot, who while at West Point was forced by circumstances to choose a side. I think making an issue, in this day and age, over statues and street names is just ridiculous.