Parents better hold on tight to their children""&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpGaU5ESTBZamN4T1RZMCIsInQiOiIrN1wvd1JuU1RHZnFDcHBNTXJ2QVd3dGt2VWpBM01PY1hJcG9sWHJmd21mV3NnZk5EWk5hWGVTUTJ1bThHRDNCZHdMcWYrRlVzKzBHVisxdmJ2QVd5UWcrRnNIbzl2cDdJdis3cVZrVEwySFwvOU1leHFwek54aWNcLzltdDZ4T09TOEdWMGs1WHlaQ3VUeTg0SWdGZTc1UkE9PSJ9
I hate knee jerk reactions. Can't wait for this shit to blow over but at least it's quietened shane's camera hunting hoe's at #MeToo. How do you reason with someone stupid enough to blame the NRA for this?
One of the most destructive actions of the Obama administration was using “guidance documents “ to pervert the law and try to enforce its political will bypassing congress. Fortunately the Trump Justice Department is helping fight and end this pernicious practice. The first significant legal victory just happened. Let’s hope this continues.
Disgusting how the left won’t face up to the fact that Farrakhan is a racist bigot. The way the left and media (same thing) refuse to hold politicians who suck up to this hate filled bastard is disgusting. "Nine Days After Women’s March Co-President Shared the Love With Louis Farrakhan, the Group Got Around to Gently Rebuking His Anti-Semitism and Homophobia"
More on the intolerance of the left. They even eat their own if one has the audacity to disagree on the least issue.