I was not making a statement against day games. I just don't like Alleva, and think he should get his ass kicked. That's all. I do hate day games, however, and I do think he should provide water at a reduced cost.
It's a scary thought, but you read my mind. Alleva could make a hell of a lot more in positive PR if he gave the water away or worst case sold it for a dollar a bottle.
I haven't ever noticed a big difference when I'm on the East Coast, but when I was in California during the summer, I absolutely noticed the time difference.
In the 90's, we played TX A&M in Sept during a heat wave. My friend's dad (LSU fan) wrote a letter to the Aggie AD that led to them allowing fans to bring in water either later that season or the next. When we went to that 11:30 game in College Station a few years ago, most of their fans had big bottles of water and it wasn't even that hot. We felt like hooligans with our flasks of whiskey compared to their H2O practice.
I have less problem with a 12 hr or so time change than I do with a 4-7 hr change. I've been to Taiwan and Korea several times and been able to avoid jet lag both ways by staying awake the entire flight. I'm so exhausted when I arrive and its night that I sleep right through and wake pretty well adjusted. Traveling to Eurpoe or Hawaii is hard on me as there is no way to adjust other than time spent in the time zone.
No shit right, I'm sure a math whiz like @islstl can tell us what % profit hr would make by selling a .20 bottle of water for $1.00 it has to be a landslide. Why does greed come into play? Because there are no clocks in the casinos
biggest adjustment moving to California was the time the NFL games start. 10am first games and 1 pm second games. That leaves time for chores after the second game.
I haven't missed too many SEC games in Tiger Stadium since I started going to games regularly back in the early 70's, but I'm sitting this one out. I'm about as militant a "FANS" (Football At Night Supporter) as there is and there's no way I'm sitting in that daylight Inferno. I don't mind the heat, but football in the sunlight in Tiger Stadium is just not LSU football and the predicted temps make this a no-brainer.
Go for it Big "Bend Over" Boy. Hope you and your kind have a great time in that Inferno. Your pretense that we have to accept Day Games without complaint or malice is gross and agregious!........................