Unpossible. These are people who tend to substantially decrease my enjoyment of the TF.com, that is to say that they have very little to add to intelligent discussion. There are those who approach an argument with a position already established, then seek information to support their pre-determined views. These people like to dig in and argue, even when it's become apparent to everyone that they're sadly misinformed and overmatched. I'm not big on talking to those who refuse to acknowledge the truth, even when it slaps them in the face. There are much better things I can do with my time and better people to discuss them with. As long as you don't quote them I'll never know what they said.
Well, I hammer them over the head with it. Feels gooood puncturing the phony facts and shallow analysis. Who cares if they refuse to acknowledge the truth. Deep down . . . they know.
I thought there was a user agreement something or other about not calling other posters out. Crap. Did I just break that?
If there were a user agreement for posters not being stupid a user agreement for not calling them out would be completely unnecessary...
Maybe...but that still places him many miles to the right of today's Democrats. I do know one thing...I can spend my earnings better than anyone (Republican, Democrat, and especially all of the liberals on this site) so I'm NEVER voting for the party who wants to control my money so they can buy votes by distributing it to the worthless leeches (*) of America. (*) Insert any group like HUD, ACLU, UAW, SEIU, ACORN, or any other group that claims discrimination as a way of dismissing their own personal accountability. (*) Also...anyone who believes in free speech except when someone disagrees with them. (Not calling anyone out...) I voted for Democrats for many years and then got tired of the lying and hypocrisy. The Republicans have many losers as well but at least they don't pander to the same audience with all the "woe is me" groups. I got tired of my money going to unions and unproductive "grass roots" and "social justice" groups. This government is too big! Stick with a few issues like national defense and currency and let the states have more control of their future and money. If Louisiana wants to drill...then drill! I don't want a manmade global warming hoax destroying our economy. If you don't like it in DC or Chicago...then ride a bike! Back to your point...he's buried in California so I would expect he's a little more "left" now than before.