your explicit claim is that teachers will be punished for saying slavery is bad. by whom? who are you talking about that opposes this claim that slavery is bad?
Wait, I thought democrats WANTED corporations to “pAy ThEiR fAiR sHaRe”. Oh look, Disney thinks you should indoctrinate children in schools, better jump on board with sexualizing children or you’ll be called a Russian agent.
Late to the party, but I couldn't let it go without responding to this asinine post. If I recall correctly, it wasn't a miscarriage. It was a self induced abortion. Two totally different scenarios. Regardless, charges were dropped. Wrong, FL is not anti-LGBTQ. They're about not teaching it to children who are not yet developed enough to understand it. Why aren't you? Voter suppression is a Democrat concocted fallacy Again, more bullshit. They're rejecting textbooks that teach that all POC are victims and all white people are oppressors
No, “Don’t say gay” is a propaganda tool and you’re choosing your side so much, that you buy into it. Here’s the thing, we shouldn’t allow large corporations to determine democratically enacted laws. Laws voted on by the people of that state. By elected officials. And for Disney to try and swing their money weight, because they’ve paid into certain lawmakers’ campaign funds…. They just got what was coming.
This is Desantis giving a dose of politics to an uber-woke corporation who injected themselves into the political arena thinking they could get one over on FL. Disney and other big corporations should pay their share and operate under state law. And keep out of politics. They made a colossal mistake by moving against a popular Governor and underestimating his reponse over an issue that most taxpayer's in the state agreed with him on.
Golly, in a thread in which I assert that white supremacists have outlawed the teaching of CRT in our schools, a problem which doesn't exist, to serve as a dog whistle for white supremacists who want the evils of racism and its lingering societal effects whitewashed... gee... a white supremacist comes along to whitewash our history of racism and its lingering societal effects. When you can't even acknowledge that racism, even prominently embedded within our founding documents, was a fundamental aspect of our new country then you're nothing more than a clown... not to be taken seriously (not that I ever have).
Corporations should keep out of politics? I take it you're against the Citizens United ruling? As for Disney, their directors have First Amendment rights to free speech. Punishing them for it is an actual violation of the Constitution, and the very text and tone of your post says that that's precisely what happened. DeSantis got his feelings hurt when a very important entity in his state spoke out against him. Retaliation for a perceived slight is the trump/Putin playbook. All that aside, for DeSantis to think that this was a good move really shows you how dumb he is. Not trump level dumb, mind you, but pretty fucking dumb.
where is your evidence that these folks are white supremacists? your explicit claim is that teachers will be punished for saying slavery is bad. by whom? who are you talking about that opposes this claim that slavery is bad?
The Disney company issued a statement that they were going to support state and national entities to fight and overturn the will of the people. That isn’t voicing an opinion and you’re an idiot for ever suggesting it is. To hell with the degenerate queers and groomers at Disney and in the democrat and republican parties.