but you are telling us its the whites that are advocating for slavery. seems very relevant. again, you are lying. teachers are not afraid to say slavery is bad and bear no risk for saying that. this is you imagining a universe where things happen that justify your controlling everything.
whites are by far the most anti-slavery race there is. slavery was universal to humans for all history until fairly recently when western civilization (white folks) stopped it. teaching that slavery is bad is a white thing.
Maybe Rex is right. We should teach the full spectrum of American slavery starting with Blacks selling other Blacks to us.
He took it to a grand jury and obtained an indictment. He dropped the charges because her actions didn't fall under that law, and he had egg on his face because he didn't know the laws: https://reason.com/2022/04/11/texas...a-woman-with-murder-by-self-induced-abortion/
CRT is by nature divisive, in addition to being false. there are not racist policies embedded in all our systems. there are anti-racist policies. our media, govt, education systems, etc, they are insanely anti-racist. they dont even hold blacks to any standard for fear of it being perceived as a critique. like last week in baton rouge there was another week of terror in the black community. one black lady killed a 4 year old child by forcing her to drink whiskey until she died. two other children were shot, one died i believe. all of this is in the black community. its constant mayhem and murder. and this is minor local stories. if there is a racial element, its a global story. because we are so sensitive about race that anything that could in our wildent dreams actually have any racism embedded in the motives of anyone involved, is examined for all eternity. and the ideas of CRT that we are a country born in racism and with continuing structural problem everywhere, all of this is false and divisive. we dont hold down people with dark skin and its provable. black immigrants from africa are more successful than whites on average. so there is no invisible wall stopping them or invisible hand of racism holding them down. one of the things CRT advocates is that white establishment hides racism with words like "meritocracy". this is not only a lie but destructive to the black community. CRT argues that our social and legal systems are built to benefit white people. but asians succeed even more that whites. asians have better educations, better incomes, and far less crime. nothing about CRT is true. in fact america is the global champion of opportunity for he minority group. try going to china or africa or anywhere as the minority group, you will see. even being african black as the minority tribe in africa is terrible. so CRT is stupid, and i know what it is. kids should be taight that the US is the land of opportunity for all races, and it is. all human populations come from uncivilized people that raped and pillages and enslaved. all of them. and pretty much every one of them was still doign whilst white western civilization was modernizing and caring about human rights. if anything, kids should be taught that western civ and its attendant values are wonderful and rewarding to everyone. not that racism is embedded in everything and holding some down at the expense of others. its dangerous to tell people, especially children, that they are oppressed. because they believe it and its self fulfilling. we should be teaching the opposite of CRT to blacks, that if they try had and work within the system, they will succeed more than whites. go to better schools, get better jobs. because thats the truth.