The good ole Saints

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by DownOnTheBayou, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Talk about a player who doesn't deserve to be on ANY NFL team, much less the Saints is Josh Bullocks. Why is the guy with the worst hands on the team in on the onsides kicks? He dropped two of them right in his hands.

    I hate this guy so much.
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  2. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Man...come on....the saints don't even own a bandwagon anymore. They have one of these now......

  3. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I quit getting my hopes up a long time ago, in fact, quit watching them when they traded M. Anderson WAY back. I still find it funny that fans expect them to get to the playoffs.

    It's amazing to me how they still have any fans.........honestly.

    Well, look atchu gettin wit da technology. I need to look into learning how to TEVO- I don't have a dish though.
  4. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Why is it that people who supposedly "don't care" about the team have to crap on those who do care? If you really did "not care", why not go on about your business instead of reading and posting on a thread about a team you don't care about?
  5. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    And that is a brief history of the Saints. When a large portion of a fan base misses a player that played what position again? :lol:

    I hope the Saints do well, but I hope my annoying Saints friends get tortured on the nasty Saints roller coaster along the way. :grin:
  6. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    The day the Saints leave New Orleans, that's when I'll stop being a fan. Until then, they have my support.

    Given the team's history, I can understand some cynical feelings. However, I frankly find it shocking the amount of doom and gloom there is about a team that was only ONE game away from making it to the Super Bowl last year.

    They may never win a Super Bowl as the New Orleans Saints, but I've been a fan since I was 9, and I won't stop being a fan until they are no longer the New Orleans Saints. They are as much my team as is the LSU Tigers. They both represent the state of Louisiana.

    This is what sickens me about bandwagoners. You don't love a team just because they've won X Super Bowls or national championships, you love them because they are a part of your state.
  7. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Man, Ive been watching the Saints longer than you've been alive, so take that fairweather crap somewhere's else.

    What pisses me off is fans like you that see things through rose colored glasses. I can't dare say anything bad about my team cause then im not a true fan. Grow the phuck up!

    If you can watch the Saints and not realize that there is PLENTY wrong with that team, then you are blind.

    I find it funny that when Jason David was out three weeks, the defense wasn't half bad. He comes back and they're total crap again. Another one, Jeff Faine misses a few games and the O-line blocks like a mutha. He comes back and Drew Brees looks like Jim, errrr Chris, Everette.

    The player evaluation on this team is non-existent, i.e. Jason David, Josh Bullocks, Kaesviharn, just to name a few. And not to mention, the two most overated DE in the league. Smith and Grant are HIGHLY overpaid.

    Its a good thing the Saints play in the NFC, cause if they were in the AFC they could start preparing for the draft.
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  8. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Great, want a cookie?

    Are there things wrong with this team? Sure. Listening to you rant, you'd think there wasn't a thing right with this team. This team as a lot of room for improvement and has holes that won't be fixed this season in the secondary.

    But I'm telling you this team WILL be in the playoffs. The South stinks, the second half of the schedule is softer than the WAC, and this team is just starting to hit its stride.

    Do you seriously think this team is not on the way up right now? Tell me when in this teams history was their more cause for optimism? I'd much rather be where we are now than to be stuck in the Ditka or later Haslett years. Don't get me started on the pre-Mora years.

    If you want to take the glass half empty approach, then I suppose that's your prerogative. I don't see where the enjoyment in that is, though. I personally see a team that's won 4 of its last 5 and has a chance to get back to .500 this week against a struggling Texans team.
  9. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    You say that this team has problems that WONT be fixed this year, yet they are on they're way up????? Which is it?

    You're right, they probably will make the playoffs, but only because the NFC totally sucks. But they won't do anything once they get there with this defense.

    This team is not consistent enough to have optimism. They beat the hell out of J'ville one week, then lose to a winless team the next. You never know which Saints team will show up.

    Now I would love for them to prove me wrong and win out and dominate every game and march to the Super Bowl. But the way they are playing, it doesn't look like that is gonna happen.
  10. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    No, the secondary can't be fixed in the middle of the season. It will have to be addressed in the offseason.

    The team is on the way up because we have a franchise QB, star power at the skill positions, and just need to start plugging holes on defense. I still believe Payton is a good coach, though I suppose after the way Haslett started out fans could be scared of getting bit again.

    They are obviously not as good as everyone thought they were going to be during the offseason this year, but yes, I think overall we are on the way up.

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