Our players have to understand about trash talk. You say it, you better back it up. Twice we talked shit and both times let the other team physically dominate us in our house. That's not the standard for a Tiger. I don't care if you smack talk, but you better bleed for the win in your own house. After all the negative spin put on us during this fiasco you add to it by looking like a bunch of pussies. Our O-line should have willed us in that end zone. They let a second string D stop them three times in the red zone. They showed no heart.
We let a gimped up team steal a home game from us, force us to play a game and then let them embarrass us on national television and mock our dead mascot on senior day. I'm highly pissed at this coaching staff right now.
Florida got what they deserved now they can stick with this fool for another 5 years. He's not that good of a coach.
i agree. and what's with his yellow teeth? his teeth looked the same color as our player's pants. nasty.
A horrible loss. Any way you spin it. After spending a month taking about how Florida was "scared", to come out and put up that performance?? McElwain should be shoving as much crow in our mouths as he can find...
And he is. Made comment about "we deserved what we got, and it should've been worse". Sad truth is, it should have been worse... for them. Without the gifts of shooting ourselves in the foot in the red zone all day, LSU would've thoroughly thrashed the Gators, and they'd be going home a bunch of whiney bitches.
Dude, quit addressing me like you know me. Crawl on back to Tigerdroppings with the rest of the trolls.