Oh, you mean like the Dmocrats are doing to Hannity and O Reilly? O'Reilly's story has not been told yet. Hang on and prepare to get your dick dragged over a mile of broken bottle glass.
People are wrongfully terminated AND innocent men convicted, daily. You are wrong, though, again. He has kept quiet. Provoke me wrong and fetch us up some story- his story.
It's not like he raped or groped these women, he just used his celebrity power to pressure them. He's an arrogant ass though, so I don't feel sorry for him,.. plus, he's stupid, he's gotten in trouble over this kinda behavior multiple times, but still he continues to harass the girls at work. What, he can't find any pussy elsewhere?..
I said hang on. We'll revisit this later. This will be another of those monumental threads like NCTiger saying Trump had zero chance and WE were delusional phucks. We may be phucks but we're not delusional.
He is arrogant but that doesn't warrant what's going on. We'll be revisiting this later, trust me. As far him having gotten in trouble over this before, unless you're queer like locoguano, there's a chance you could fall,victim to that sinful but pleasurable act of fornication.
There was no pleasurable nookie,.. the girls at Fox didn't want him, but he pressured them. He's rich and powerful, a pussy magnet, I'm sure other women were available.. but he's stupid and weak willed, and it cost him his job.
Sure they did. He is a pussy magnet. This whole thing was probably started by poor jealous liberals because they couldn't get laid as much as O'Reilly