Approving oxy for kids 11-16? Are they fucking stupid?
These mostly are kids dying of cancer and in incredible pain. Have a heart. They are only prescribed for children who need "daily, round-the-clock, long-term" pain relief for which there is no alternative. Their doctors are their pushers and know what they are doing. Children at the end of life aren't at risk of addiction.
Why shouldn't children suffering from cancer or debilitating pain have the same opportunity for relief as an adult?
Morphine is fine. Fuck it give em heroin. You guys obviously have never known anyone addicted to this shit. And if it was just for kids dying of cancer id be ok with it, but we all know doctors aren't always the most stand up people. Watch what happens. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I had hernia surgery. They gave me a morphine shot every 2 hours and alternate hours demerol until they stopped the morphine. My level of pain wasn't nearly as great as that of someone suffering from terminal cancer. It's up to a doctor to determine the level of pain a patient is experiencing and prescribe the proper relief
The real answer is cannibas. But we can't have a pain reliever that is non addictive, safe and can be grown in your own home.