Venezuela is witnessing the final act that all socialist dominated countries go through. This country that saint Bernie Sanders declared the best example of the benefits socialism would bring the USA has devolved into a thugocratic dictatorship. It's a failed state run into the ground by application of the socialist principles that ignore human nature. Of course the leftists, main stream media and democrats, I MEAN YOU BERNIE....and @Rex ignore because it conflicts with their dreams...or is it fantasies.
I'm in sales. I always laugh at the exec's that read all the books and make new sales policies or strategies while never have completing a sale in their life. Just like socialism. Sounds good. Makes you feel good saying it, but the problem is people.
? Not quite sure what you mean by that HWR. Any system needs to fit those who use it. If we're not able to "handle" a system then it's the system. It's a fantasy and Fantasies are for children not effective societies.
Ole Rexie is a lost cause but I think you miss on the Duck. Duck's not close to being a socialist any more than I am.
The Duck thinks that anyone who wants us to abide by our constitution is in the clan. He cant help it its where he is from and its how the MSM portrays us "down yunder" which is where I think he resides for his news source. Hes a liberal just less obvious than Rex.
That dude abides. Rex will be burning a Starbucks way before you or me or Duck. The Constitution is written to be a living document. To evolve with the times. It core is to define how the Govt works and how we elect our officials. Me thinks he is ok with that. On the other hand, Rex wants something else. Complete control.
Geeze, tell me you dont think the constitution is a living document? The constitution was not at all written to define how government works and how we elect our officials. It was written to protect us from a tyranical oppressive dicratorial government. You need to read it again and read the Federalist papers. You should brush up on who John Locke was. Wow I hope you are young cause if you are not who educated you?
We agree. It tells us how the govt is elected and represented. Amendments have given women the right to vote, abolished slavery, took away alcohol and then gave it back, defined our rights to bear arms, freedom of the press, protection from search and seizure, and the rest. It does change. How we determine our leaders and what decisions they can make is core. Change that shit and I will be at war along side you.