Yeah, I plan on investigating a strength of schedule component. Really a work in progress and really not too deep, but I wanted to put this out to show that even nega-tigers realize that Miles has done a good job. Just cause we critique doesn't me we don't recognize he has done well. In Ohio St's defense, they have done consistently well in the Les Miles era. If all the posi-tigers were OSU fans, I bet bottom dollar they'd be poking their chests out.
SCOUT #1 1) 2x Ohio St (13,09) 2) 2x Florida (10,07) 3) 1x Texas (12) 4) 1x Florida St (11) 5) 1x Alabama (08) 6) 1x USC (06) 7) 1x Tennessee (05) SCOUT Top 5 1) 5x Alabama (13,12,10,09,08) 2) 5x Texas (12,11,10,07,06) 3) 5x Georgia (11,09,08,06,05) 4) 4x Ohio St (13,12,09,08) 5) 4x Florida (12,10,07,06) 6) 4x USC (11,10,07,06) 7) 3x Michigan (13,12,05) 8) 3x Notre Dame (13,08,06) 9) 2x UCLA (13,09) 10) 2x Florida St (11,05) 11) 2x Oklahoma (10,05) 12) 2x LSU (09,07) 13) 2x Tennessee (07,05) 14) 1x Auburn (11) 15) 1x Miami (08) SCOUT Top 10 1) 8x LSU (13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06) 2) 7x USC (11,10,09,08,07,06,05) 3) 6x Alabama (13,12,11,10,09,08) 4) 6x Ohio St (13,12,11,09,08,05) 5) 6x Michigan (13,12,08,07,06,05) 6) 6x Georgia (13,11,09,08,06,05) 7) 6x Texas (12,11,10,09,07,06) 8) 5x Florida (13,12,10,07,06) 9) 5x Auburn (12,11,10,07,06) 10) 5x Oklahoma (12,10,09,06,05) 11) 4x Notre Dame (13,11,08,06) 12) 4x UCLA (13,10,09,08) 13) 4x Florida St (11,10,08,05) 14) 4x Tennessee (11,09,07,05) 15) 2x Miami (12,08) 16) 2x Penn St (10,06) 17) 1x Ole Miss (13) 17) 1x Texas A&M (13) 19) 1x Stanford (12) 20) 1x N Carolina (09) 21) 1x S Carolina (07) 21) 1x Pittsburgh (07) 21) 1x Oregon (07) 24) 1x Iowa (05) 24) 1x California (05) 24) 1x Nebraska (05) SCOUT Top 15 1) 8x LSU (13,12,11,10,09,08,07,06) 2) 8x Oklahoma (13,12,11,10,09,08,06,05) 3) 8x Michigan (13,12,10,09,08,07,06,05) 4) 7x Georgia (13,12,11,09,08,06,05) 4) 7x Ohio St (13,12,11,09,08,06,05) 6) 7x Florida (13,12,10,08,07,06,05) 7) 7x Texas (12,11,10,09,07,06,05) 8) 7x USC (11,10,09,08,07,06,05) 9) 6x Alabama (13,12,11,10,09,08) 10) 6x Auburn (13,12,11,10,07,06) 11) 6x Florida St (12,11,10,08,06,05) 12) 6x Miami (12,10,08,07,06,05) 13) 5x UCLA (13,12,10,09,08) 14) 5x Notre Dame (13,11,08,07,06) 15) 4x Oregon (12,11,10,07) 16) 4x S Carolina (12,11,09,07) 17) 4x Tennessee (11,09,07,05) 18) 3x Clemson (13,11,08) 19) 3x Washington (13,10,08) 20) 3x Ole Miss (13,10,06) 21) 3x Texas A&M (13,09,08) 22) 3x Penn St (10,09,06) 23) 2x Nebraska (13,05) 24) 2x Stanford (12,09) 25) 2x N Carolina (09,07) 26) 2x Pittsburgh (07,06) 27) 2x California (07,05) 28) 1x Texas Tech (11) 29) 1x Georgia Tech (07) 30) 1x Iowa (05) 30) 1x Virginia (05) 30) 1x Arizona (05)
Question: how many four or five star recruits are on your current roster? My guess is maybe 45 or so?? Iowa, using rivals as the source, has had 36 four and five star recruits in TOTAL since 2002... I think there are 7 on our roster this year... We've had only two five stars since 2002... Dan Doering, who got injured very early on and played sparingly.... And Kyle "Bonecrusher" Williams, who was quietly removed from the team his first month on campus...sat out a year then showed up at Purdue, where he was arrested for multiple sex offenses and is now doing time in prison. We know how to pick them ... Lol.
A head coach making 4 million a year and the 6th highest paid college coach should be recruiting MUCH better than that, don't you think?
One would think so, especally with the tough years Notre Dame has had.... we compete for the Chicago kids.... That said, I think we're right up there in sending kids to the pros, so we do something right. I do think the "lack of" does cause us problems in stringing really good seasons together...
And if you are sending kids to the Pros, then it really speaks to the ineptness of his staff to recruit. Big 10 Recruiting Rankings on 2014: 7th 2013: 8th (tied) 2012: 6th 2011: 4th (finished 30th nationally) 2010: 6th 2009: 11th 2008: 9th 2007: 6th 2006: 7th 2005: 3rd (finished 11th nationally) 2004: 8th 2003: 8th 2002: 9th This is much closer to the recruiting of a Northwestern or an Illinois vs an Ohio State or Michigan. Again, this seems unacceptable, given his paycheck.
Or you could argue that he's doing more with less, thereby making a stronger case for his value. I imagine Iowa's got to be a tough school to recruit to. Not a ton of tradition and not exactly in a desirable location.
Exactly what I was thinking. Iststl's caught in recruiting stats: salary ratio, when a different conclusion is evident.