These fools just won't quit. There was just a show on ESPN2, I think. It was a BCS show with Tom Lugenbill and Dari Nowkah and some other fool. Well they were picking parts of the Championship game like coaching, defense, running game and s forth. When they get to intangibles, this tool who's name I didn't get, picks Alabama on special teams!!!! WHAT!!!!! We have Brad Wing and the Honey Badger, which don't even get mentioned. BUT, the reason he picked Bama was that Nick Saban is the only coach who has a psychologist on staff. This jackwagon says he'll have the kicker's head's in the game. Really?????????????? Friggin idiots! Rant over, thanks.
Sports journalists (?) those at ESPN are so bad that Hap Glaudi and Buddy Diliberto are turning over in their graves. They are no better than the paparazzi that follow Paris Hilton around. They can't hold a candle to the jokesters that write for the Levee or the Weekly World News. They are a bunch of shallow thinkers who have no insight and are only held accountable for ratings. They wouldn't even be decent posters on this site. If they ever had an original thought, it would probably die of loneliness. Who really cares what they say ???
They're just trying to say something different than what every smart person can already see/says. What better way to make a name for yourself than spray some asinine comments out there and Bama happens to get lucky and win on a ST play, suddenly the guy can start acting like a genius. The truth is though, he's just trying to make a name from being lucky. Worse case scenario for him is some of the others teams fans start shouting about how stupid he is and he gets his name mentioned. Once you realize the game that's being played its actually very hard to get mad at any sports personality.
Someones in their heads.... In field goals this year for bama: 50 yds or more: 0-4 40-49 2-7 30-39 7-9 Thats 9-20, from 30 yds or more..... :thumb:
NBC is starting their own network on Jan 2nd. Pass the news around to everyone you know. It will take the place of the Versus channel.
they are dumb. I guess they forget that Saban is the only coach that has lost AT HOME to ulm and uab!!!! Did that psychologist work in the first game IN ALA-bleeping-BAMA???