Let me go out on a limb here....Lawson picks Tennessee to win big...just like she picked NC.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
You would be surprised what a fist full of pain killers and a shot or two can do to make the pain go away. I doubt anyone expected her to play the second half. I would go into this week of practice expecting her to play and play well. If that doesn't happen then great, but don't count on it.
A - to the dadgum - men!!! I will not be able to watch the game since we are playing Tennessee. My house will not withstand it.
Van on ESPN after the current commercial. Those not familiar with Van, the dude is a riot. This will be fun.
I'm going out on a limb here.... Without a healthy Candace Parker, the Lady Tigers will pound Tennessee into submission. And then defeat UConn in a barn-burner to win the championship!!! :crystal::geaux::crystal::geaux::crystal: