The crown effect of Tiger stadium field I haven't seen anyone else mention this, but it pissed me off and yes I'm touchy about what is stated to a nationwide audience. I think it was mid 2nd quarter, Erin reports that Mallet/Ark is saying his throws are off/high because he isn't used to playing on a real grass field with a crown. Give me a fng break! The whole group start talking about "almost every field in the SEC is flat turf, that's why his throws are off". Oh no, it can't be that Mallet stunk it up, noooooooooooooo. Anyone else hear/notice that?
Re: The crown effect of Tiger stadium field Yep, I heard it too. Didn't seem to affect the other quarterbacks that came to Tiger Stadium this year though... how strange. :insane:
Re: The crown effect of Tiger stadium field I think it was the increased coriolis effect. Arkansas usually plays at a higher latitude than Baton Rouge. Plus the magnetic anomalies had an effect, I'm sure. And sunspots at night . . .
Re: The crown effect of Tiger stadium field And the solution to that... get a practice field that has a crown on it and practice with it the week before the game! Don't whine to us about your poor coaching staff.
im sure there's something to it, but i dont know why it never got mentioned in other home games. wonder if it was the first time for other qbs to play on it too?
I don't think there is anything to it, personally. As previous posters have said, if other QBs can come in and play top form then what is Mallet's excuse? To me I just see a QB who thinks he is "hot sh*t" come into Tiger Stadium and realize he isn't in Ar-Kansas anymore. Besides, what is the point whining about it, really? Do they expect LSU to dig into our pockets and fix it? The crown is there for drainage purposes and I'm pretty sure we're not the only school with one. In fact, NFL stadiums have crowns as well...Mallet is just looking for an excuse to blame his lackluster performance on. Next thing you know, he is going to say the stadium lights were too bright or the 5-yard markers threw off the directional algorithm for his release.
Well it certainly couldn't be due to their amazing QB having an off night, or their receivers dropping passes, or heaven forbid the pressure our defense actually got on him. It had to be the crown on the field...
I thought that all non domed stadiums had varying degrees. Mallett believes his press clippings in the hog breeders gazette. A lot of Pig fans bitch about his arrogance.