Thanks for sending me to Free Speech Alley a great place to "out" posters here. Didnt take me long to find out where Lasalle is coming from, WOW! All I need to know about his thought process is that according to him anyone who doesnt believe in man caused climate change in a "denier". If Lasalle was around in the 14th and 15th century he would have been part of the Inquisition and probably voted to burn Corpernicus and Galileo at the stake for believing the earth revolved around the Sun not the opposite. They were called heretics (deniers).
Touche, however I have common sense and would not have been in the grey like you would picked truth and proven right yet again the Earth actually does revolve around the Sun.
You appear to have a bit of an open mind Lasalle is a lost cause. Do yourself a favor just spend a little time at this website