That was early teal season, which lasted for 2 weeks and you can only have 4 teal per hunt. Tomorrow regular duck season opens up! Do you hunt ducks?!
Are you serious? My wife is a bama fan so all week neither of us has done **** around the house lol yard work? you must be joking! I have noticed in the last day or two, especially after watching blue mountain state this week, i have started to snipe at alabama and link her lots of lsu is going to win type articles. I love it!
It's everywhere. Not sure if it's true, but the word is that UA cancelled classes yesterday and today. :geaux:
Ha! No, I've never even shot a gun. I was just making a joke about us putting a hurtin' on Oregon in Texas over Labor Day weekend.
ohhh, nice. Yes, I grilled some duck for that game. I saved it from last season once it was announced that we would be playing Oregon.