:tigereye: I can't work. I can't leave my desk. I can't think about anything other than this game. It's consuming me. I'm going through the motions today. I literally have not done 1 single job listed in my job description at work today. I don't care about life's problems. I don't care about the World's problems. I don't care that my grass needs to be cut. I don't care about my tests next week. I don't give a f*ck about anything right now except for this game. I'm not sure if this is healthy. All I know is this game is consuming me. Remember those signs at the games leading up to this one that read, "We want Bama."? Well, it's true. I want a piece of these MF'ers so bad I can taste it. I know there are 1,000 threads on the game and this is just another one of them...but I had to put it out there to my LSU brethren. I had to get this off my chest. That is all. God bless the :lsup: Tigers. Make those MF'ers quit tomorrow. :tigereye:
Definitely having trouble concentrating on work today, probably moreso today since I work from home on Fridays. Too much temptation to keep reading about the game... :geauxtige
Great post! I am so with you. Cant concentrate today, and prob wont sleep well tonight. Great last line .... here, here!!!
I can totally relate. I feel like I have the worst case of A.D.D. right now. Hell, I didn't even get a good night sleep last night I'm already so amped up. Not only is this the biggest game of the year, thus far, but it is also opening day of duck season tomorrow. I need a tranquilizer to bring me down a few notches today. haha! nice post
Great Video! Makes me want to run and jump shoulders into someone......or smash my managers face in! Just an open hand face smack, dignity robber!:geaux: