Yes there is. President Obama is expected to fix everything Bush phucked up. The teabaggers expect him to do it in one term when it took him 8 years to destroy everything.
I really don't think bush phucked up the economy. He tried to rein in free lending twice and was beaten back by a democratic congress. When the " everyone should own a home" idea was made law , Fannie and Freddie forced lending to those that could not afford it. The dens pushed this. The repubs de-regulated the markets making default -swaps and other crazy instruments possible. There is blame enough for both parties and presidents clinton and "w" along with several congress'. To say bush single handedly ruined the country is a streach. No one man has that much control. Just as Obama can't single handedly fix the Economy. That is impossible. No one man has that much power. Congress makes the laws. They made laws that the president at the time signed. There is plenty of blame to go around. Bush tried to stop the trainwreck but was denied by democrats wanting to make sure minorities and low income wage earners could buy a home. It all backfired in all of their faces.