^^^^^^^^^ Absaloutley is......i'm a highschool official, I go to collliegiate camps every two years, it IS listed as DPI! It's one of the 7 categories that make it DPI......for the rule it will not state that, but it is they way they teach all the officials. 1. Contact 2. Arm Bar 3. Hook and turn 4. Grabbing and restricting 5.Face Gaurding 6. Cutting off a reciever 7. Playing through the reciever Those are the 7 categories we are taught that make up defensive pass interference, that was taught by 5 instructors....and NFL ref, an sec ref, and 3 other conferences. http://www.mtfoa2.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/toms-Philosophy.pdf here is a sight that listd the 7 categories....one of many.
Just saw Mike Pererra say that face guarding is 100% legal in the NFL. As long as there is no contact.
I would say that it is definitely the problem. With your claim of what you've been taught along with the information you cited above, they are allowing the officials to decide what pass interference is despite what the rules say. http://www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/FR13.pdf
It May be legal....but I garuntee you that if they are not playing the ball(turning head around to see the ball) that 85% of the officials will call it DPI.
False. This thing changed like a decade ago. Unless contact is made there can be no pass interference. Not in NCAA. Not sure about nfl anymore. Lasalle was correct.