Are they really calling penalties that don't take place, but allowing officials to make a judgement call on a player's intent to commit a penalty or was Herbstreit just pulling that out of his ass and the official just missed it. That was a huge penalty that kept South Carolina in the game and Loston didn't even touch him.
I think this is a really big deal that isn't being discussed if the officials can throw a flag if they perceive a player tried to helmet to helmet someone, even if they completely missed. I mean for 1 no one intentionally helmet to helmets anyone it's a natural action.
Yeah, I am really concerned about this idea of flagging "intent". I don't know if that is real or not. "Thought crimes" in football? Give me a freaking break.
It was payback for the out/in PI call earlier on LSU. Pretty sure was same lineman. The guilt was eaten him up...
It was a BS call but Losten should have never launched himself. THAT was stupid and he knew it as soon as he did it. Reid told him too. Note even though it WASN"T a foul Les took Losten out for a few plays to counsel him.
Lostin has a history of deliv some serious blows. Dude just needs to use it for thinkin instead of hittin.