Wow... can't blame this one on a university, can you Delany? History at the below link.
Where is Al Sharpton when you really do need him?:huh: This is just about equal to what Beano Cook or Don Imus have said.
This is VERY serious stuff. If you want to work at certain retain establishments, you must agree to undergo periodic polygraph tests to support your honesty. IMO, such a requirement should be placed on any official overseeing any sporting event subject to profits from gambling. Any individual unwilling to agree to polygraph testing should be denied employment as an official.
For what its worth, polygraph tests are just about useless and it is absurd that they are given any credibility at all. From this article: "In settings in which large numbers of employees are screened to determine whether they are spies, the polygraph produces results that are extremely problematic, according to a comprehensive 2002 review by a federal panel of distinguished scientists. The study found that if polygraphs were administered to a group of 10,000 people that included 10 spies, nearly 1,600 innocent people would fail the test -- and two of the spies would pass." But on the topic of these corrupt officials, as an OSU student I might have actually gone crazy if OSU had not made the title game because our one less came in a game with potentially corrupt officials who missed this call: