I can't believe some of you are actually making excuses for this feckless ClusterF**CK of a president. Take the people out first, then the equipment, destroy what you don't take and then move the military out. How f'ing hard is that?
The fat fuck former president was the one who negotiated the withdrawal, released 5,000 Taliban prisoners and if you think he would have handled the cluster fuck better ask the Kurds.
here’s a timeline and a fact check all in one! to be clear: it’s not the decision to leave, it’s in the logistics…. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/
Dumb dumb doesn't understand that. He can't sleep at night because of the tds. Its actually sad to watch.
I sleep very well thank you. I do agree the logistics is critical and Biden screwed it royally. However logistics isn’t a Trump strength any more than it is Biden’s. Evidence is scattered throughout his term beginning with hurricane relief through the abandonment of the Kurds and beyond. There is nothing in Trump’s history that indicates he would have done any better. If you think there is show me don’t bloviate
stay on point with the afghan debacle.... lots of 'evidence is scattered throughout his term' thrown into your argument as we're not discussing the kurds, hurricane relief, 1 or 2 scoops of ice cream, etc, etc. facts are facts: trump planned for a withdrawal that had stipulations. biden did not.... why is this hard?
this might be a good place for this: https://www.foxnews.com/world/video-taliban-taxiing-black-hawk-helicopter foxnews.com Video appears to show Taliban operating Black Hawk helicopter Emma Colton 3-4 minutes A video circulating on social media appears to show a U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter taxiing at the Kandahar Airport in Afghanistan. "Reportedly a #Taliban captured #Afghanistan Air Force UH-60 Blackhawk at Kandahar. Important to note it is only shown taxiing not flying," Joseph Dempsey, a research associate for defense and military analysis at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said on Twitter Wednesday, accompanied by a video. WHITE HOUSE ADMITS 'FAIR AMOUNT' OF US EQUIPMENT IN AFGHANISTAN IN TALIBAN HANDS
Evidence- Trump had already slowed the withdrawal because the required sit down with the Afghan government hadn't happened. We were supposed to be out in March originally unless you forgot And yes, that fat fuck would have done a much better job. IF you can't see that you are completely blinded by your hate for said fat fuck.