I don’t know your age but this was basically what LBJ wanted with his Great Society. There was a famous quote of his that has held true since although like all good lefties he showed his true colors when he dropped a N bomb making it. Black folks have since been the most loyal bunch on the democrat plantation. Since LBJ, Democrats have become a haven for the most loathsome deviant subsets of near humans imaginable.
Where are AOC and the MSM???? Conditions are significantly worse under Biden yet nary a peep from the hypocrites. https://reason.com/2021/07/08/migra...tractors-whistleblowers-say/?utm_medium=email
I used to have his number from way back. I am not sure if its the same but Ill try to find out. He was our norm at the bar. welp its him and nolimit. anyone have a different number than me. ill have to check. anyone call him? This bums me out. He was a nice fella. hopefully he just stopped paying his phone and internet but I doubt it.
Just had to bring him up huh? You know he was my favorite from back in the day. I still think he is alive, I can't make myself believe otherwise
Shane. I’m finally putting my bike away. Went riding a few weeks ago and my buddy I was riding with just got out of the hospital. Just not worth it. Gonna pick up the clubs again.
any info on @Bengal B ? i checked his info here, got his Twitter handle, and that went silent Mar 26th too. honestly worried for the guy.