I’ve been waiting for someone to bring this up. I’ll bet when the Democrats lose the senate in 2022 they’ll change their tune again. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/byron-yorks-daily-memo-the-democrats-filibuster-hypocrisy
well, it was a long time ago...... @bennyjohnson ·8h BREAKING: Joe Biden went the entire day without acknowledging the anniversary of D-Day on either of his Twitter accounts ( @POTUS & @JoeBiden ).
No one mentioned it because it is an everyday thing with Democrats. Were so used to nothing being done or said about it that even those that are awake have started to ignore it. He ignored it completely. To me, this is much bigger (or surprising) news the the first item above
And this is why I will NEVER vote for a Democrat. They are only loyal to their party platform and don't give a shit about the American People. I kinda hope they get it. It'll be the next thing that comes back and bites them in the ass! Harry Reid eliminated the 2/3 approval for judges, and that came back to bite them in the ass. If they get this, .... I hope the turtle sticks to his guns and repeals everything the DIMS pass, passes every damn thing the GOP wants, and then some, ..... and THEN ...after they pass all they want, reinstate the filibuster as a constitutional amendment, preventing the Democrats from ever trying that shist again.
And THAT is what I despise about the GOP. You're right, Turtle should absolutely do just that, but he won't. Not a snowballs chance in hell because they lack the spine to do such an American thing.
Shane you realize it takes 2/3 votes in each house and confirmation by 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution?
Actually, I believe a convention of the States can replace the house ... 34 States could pass an amendment, and 38 have to ratify it. So .. screw the democrats. Of course, the GOP only has 30 states, add in the two splits and that makes 32. Only need to pick off 2 of the Democrat states to introduce, .... not likely it would be ratified though.