The great plagiarist in chief can't even tell an original joke. He got that from Ron Regan. He also invoked chairman Mao.
Real 'presidential' of him to berate a class of future vets for not laughing at a joke he stole and butchered the delivery on.
more creepy uncle joe….. The Post Millennial @TPostMillennial Joe Biden looks at a little girl in the audience, the daughter of a veteran, and says "I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed."
More background on Hunter. Seems he's real good about taking money and gifts but not so good at paying bills.
Joe suspended drilling in ANWR and the artic today. That move opens it back up for Russia to restart directional drilling and taking our oil again. This was stopped when the artic was opened back up. This coupled with the pipeline shutdown and the green lighting of the Russian pipeline would make a logical and rational human think Joe was working for Putin. Maybe their upcoming summit is really so Joe can get his paycheck and new directions from his master. Wonder if Hunter will be going on this trip too?
Man. If we go back and look at everything the media supported/hated and took the opposite position, we would be much better off.