Racism or just innocent teenage fun? https://www.dallasobserver.com/news...llying-for-slave-auction-on-snapchat-12006420 Aledo ISD Superintendent Susan Bohn emailed district parents to let them know a “racial harassment and cyberbullying” incident had unfolded, according to WFAA. A group of students from Daniel Ninth Grade Campus had started a Snapchat group where they pretended to “auction off” their Black peers. According to a screenshot of the interaction, the group had been dubbed “Slave Trade,” and emojis of a Black man, a gun and a white police officer were included in the name. The title was then changed to “N***** Farm,” and from there, to “N***** Auction.” Group members “bid” $100 on one Black student and $1 on another. Someone remarked they would have paid more for the latter student if “his hair wasn’t so bad.”
https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1383120325454467072 Biden to limit refugees, AOC says no. Biden says sure, anything you say. https://news.yahoo.com/biden-signs-order-keep-refugee-173015515.html AOC is running Pelosi and Biden.
people have the spark of god in them and are essentially good,.. our culture, parents, peers, fuck up our minds,.. our hero's are serial killers, like dirty harry, for crying out loud,.. electronic media is our bible now still, people do 10 billion nice things everyday that no one hears about, while those who do bad things make the news,.. people are good, I tell you
Yes, for the most part they are! A very large percentage in fact! Imagine if the majority of the population was as evil as you suggest?
before we discussed how many stories say "X terrible event happened, minorities and women most affected". and i mentioned the old joke headline "world to end tomorrow, all people to die, women and minorities most affected" i found another story, it turns out low alcohol taxes are white supremacist and women and minorities are most affected. you cnt make this shit up: https://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/2021/04/opinion-low-alcohol-taxes-uphold-systemic-racism.html
While I'd agree people have the spark of god in them, ... they also have the animal flesh in them. What do you think Christianity is all about?? It's about identifying with the spark of god, "The will of the Spirit", and rejecting the animal nature "will of the flesh" UNFORTUNATELY ... left to his own devices, man will gravitate to his animal nature. The meek are slaughtered like lambs by people who pay lip service to God, unless there is some law enforcing entity that prevents it.
Here is another thought I have. I was originally thinking we are now more peaceful as a world because of IQ. However, could it be or also be included with lower levels of Testosterone in men?