I wasn't talking about the 80%, they're more reasonable, levelheaded,.. was talking about the idiot trouble making extremists on each side,.. though you're very wary of socialism, not all see it as such a bogeyman, the very moderate of each side could discuss it peacefully,.. 123, I know what you're talking about, but "socialism" might not be the right word, having a public highway, assessing taxes, a national army,.. that's all socialism,.. there are some pretty successful examples of socialist democratic countries in the world,.. it's totalitariunism that we need to avoid like the plague,.. that can happen to all forms of government
Sorry, no they are not. One is trying to destroy the country over an ever ending thirst for power and control. The other is trying to build it up. Demonrats- celebrate by how many people get to suckle off the gov't teet (make everyone poor) Repuglicans - celebrate by how many people don't need the teet (make everyone self sufficient) Demonrats - think gov't should control and dominate every aspect of your life. Tell you what to do and how to think. Repuglicans- Think you should be left alone. Personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution are sacrosanct. Demonrats- think the rules they make don't apply to them. Repuglicans - think we have too many rules. Demonrats - think laws are suggestions, application to be determined Repuglicans - think laws are made for a reason and should be enforced. There are stupid, corrupt folks on both sides but the Demonrats have elevated to a whole new level.
lol,.. pretty sure you're not trying to see it from their perspective "demonrats", that's a new one, it's good,.. I like "dims and repugs"
Glad you like it lol. I have been a Democrat my entire life. These Demonrats are the dirtiest bunch of scum to ever walk the earth. And I mean that with the utmost respect (fear) BTW - MLB requires an ID to pick up tickets but doesn't think you should have ID to vote.
My first attempt to answer your questions really wasn’t in the right vein. You were correct that few if any bills have a lasting impact and that often the impact isn’t what was intended. Look at Social Security. It was passed during the depression when the average age of death was 65 and there were many people working to fund it. Today the average retiree can expect at least 15 years and there are fewer than 5 people working to fund each retiree....and those numbers are only going to get worse. Claims that it’s solvent are bogus as it invests in US Treasury notes which are really worthless. Unfortunately it’s now sacred and really can’t be touched to “fix” it. At 69 I have a ever lessening hope that it will provide full benefits for my lifetime. Our children and grandchildren are screwed. Laws need to change with time and circumstances. On reflection the need to revisit and adapt laws should be expected and is a good thing. One of the most important, amazing and good things about our country is that it is constantly changing with the times. We’re not close to the country we were 230 years ago or 100 years or even 50 or 20. Immigration has changed the face of our people continuously and will continue to. Same with technology, social mores etcetera etcetera. Like a shark a country either keeps swimming (changing) or dies. Look at Russia. It can’t change and is dying. China has massive issues to face soon with population decline brought by its one child policy. History is replete with examples of countries that couldn’t adjust to new circumstances and failed. It’s the management of change that is important. Keep things static too long and a country either gets rigid and fades or blows up in chaotic violence like France 1789, Russia 1918, Yugoslavia 1991. The great thing about our country is we have a constitutional form of government that allows for managed change. Historically our arguments have been about the pace of change more than anything. Likewise whether you were liberal or conservative a small government was best and enlargement was a temporary solution. Unfortunately starting about 100 years ago with Teddy Roosevelt (yes him) the idea of a progressive active executive began to grow. It ebbed and flowed with each high tide of progressive ascendancy growing stronger. In the last 21 years W, Obama, Trump and now Biden have pushed executive power further than ever or is good for the country. It doesn’t matter if actions are one you like or dislike because each one erodes the previous 200 years of success. A strong executive is a threat to the country no matter which party or political philosophy is in office.