I don't care what they "investigate" you will never convince me that a guy that is certifiably senile, can't walk, can't talk, can't control his bladder, ran a campaign where he never actually campaigned, ran on a platform of killing energy, killing 2a and raising taxes and legitimately got 11 million votes more than Obama. There is no way that happened legally
I"ve already answered that question in the POST. .... "I'll be happy". However, ... if the Audit is truly honest and transparent .. I"d be REEEEALLLY suprised if they don't.
while i dont think the election was stolen, its possible i guess. seems like way more reason for an investigation than there was for mueller stuff. that was all based on hillary's lies. she is maybe the worst person in politics in my lifetime. reprehensible cunt.
They cheated. They had to. It strains credulity that there are that many stupid people in the USA. LOL, well maybe not.... Seriously though... don't think the cheating was in the counting though it may be, I think the cheating is with fake ballots or ballots that would have been voided or disallowed if it was fair. Add in ballot harvesting and..... So many locations that flipped for Biden in the middle of the night and days later claimed to have been from late, absentee, or mail in ballots. Magically appearing in massive numbers so one sided to strain any logical thought. Locations that disallowed illegal late ballots and counted their absentee, mail-in ballots as they came in never flipped. Thinking a lot was done by checking vote rolls against who hadn't voted and they magically had a ballot show up marked for Biden. I saw a report somewhere that said over 10 million ballots across multiple states only had one vote cast on it for Biden. No other votes in any state or local elections. They claim that is how and why the Republicans won more seats in the House. No idea if it was true. Edit- none of it really matters any more. We are stuck and screwed with what we got.
Today's long distance dedication comes to us from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's from Joe to Barak. With a special thanks for sending Susan Rice over.