biden says there is nothing a man can do that women cannot do just as well or better. seems like thats not true.
That would be true if you confine yourself to a circle of the same acquaintances for months but Shane is a traveling salesman so I presume that he is constantly meeting new people.
its not about number but type. if you travel around (i do not know what shane does and wouldnt presume to have a clue this is just an example) selling harvester combines for 200k each to farmers, you are gonna find a lot of MAGA hats. maybe half of my friends live in new york, and half in baton rouge, as i have split my life almost in half between those places. i know a fuckton of biden voters. people that, if it were not for my incredible charm, would hate me for defending trump for even a moment. the hate for trump is intense in cities. even southern cities like atlanta.
of course and there are plenty of people that hate trump. shane appears to be arguing its not possible trump lost. but it is.
I agree it’s possible. I am just having a hard time believing Joe Biden is the most voted for president ever. Dude can’t even speak right.