If the borders don't need walls, why does the capitol? I would love for someone on the left to answer that.
The current bullshit excuse is that there’s a threat until March 4 or maybe March 20 from some right wing group that doesn’t believe any amendments after the 14th is valid, that Lincoln or maybe Grant was the last legitimate president and March is when Trump will be inaugurated legitimately. That Pelosi et al call these loons as a real threat shows that they don’t care about anything but power.
Interesting take on the rank hypocrisy of the democrats and Biden about the press at WH pressers. https://thebulwark.com/the-biden-white-house-vs-the-press/
a while back i argued with halloween run maybe about north korea. my claim was that he was unqualified to criticise the way trump was dealing with kim jong un. relaionships with humans are complicated. some you have to be nice to, others you have to be harsh with and pressure them. diplomacy is hard. halloween run just responded with non-points and condescension. now, after trump chose not to call out MBS of saudi arabia, and now biden has done the exact same thing, i make the points again. you are not trying to create antagonistic relationships with foreign leaders. almost never do you see a leader call out another personally. the folks that have trump derangement syndrome are ignorant of this and wanted him to tell putin to eat his cock, tell kim jong un to lick his balls, and to tell mohhamen bin salman to fuck himsell, or else trump was himself an aspiring dictator that admired these guys. biden will never directly call out MBS for kiling jamal kashoggi. thats just not how shit works.
well, as long as they're socially distancing..... https://www.foxnews.com/us/108-migrants-released-border-patrol-texas-positive-coronavirus 108 illegal immigrants released by Border Patrol in Texas test positive for coronavirus, officials say Texas city says it doesn't have authority to prevent migrants who test positive from traveling elsewhere More than 100 illegal immigrants released by the Border Patrol into Texas since late January have tested positive for the coronavirus following their arrival, officials in a city on the U.S.-Mexico border tell Fox News. Felipe Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, said Wednesday that the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total migrants who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by the Border Patrol. Rapid testing of the individuals began there on Jan. 25. He added that Brownsville does not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from traveling elsewhere in the U.S. -- and are advising them to quarantine, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and socially distance
Saw this today and came to post it. These folks coming in have almost none of the standard vaccines we require our youth to get and now they are repopulating the country with Covid-19 infected people. Hmm, let's see. Shut down/lock down the actual citizen's and allow Illegal aliens/non-citizens carrying a pandemic free travel all over the USA. SHut the country and open the borders. Makes sense to everyone right? On a totally related note, gas is up over 75 cents a gallon over here since the inauguration. How is it over there closer to the refineries?
So let me get this straight, the United States Border Patrol, who's job it is to prevent illegal immigration, does not have authority to prevent COVID POSITIVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from traveling elsewhere in the US? But we can lockdown our entire population of citizens? In what existence does this have any resemblance of logic? Here's food for thought, why not DEPORT THEM back to their country of origin? Welcome to the Biden administration. 41 days and counting with no press conference without someone holding his hand. https://nypost.com/2021/03/02/biden-41-days-into-term-still-hasnt-held-press-conference/