Biden raised Puerto Rican at home. Great job Joe
Biden is about to get us into WW III and no one seems to care. What is more terrifying is its not really Biden, that buffoon doesn't know what day it is. It's that we can only speculate as to who is really in charge? Jarret? Rice? Barrachmed? Sorts? Yeah great job, hope stealing an election was worth the end of humanity
trump, upon hearing of Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest: "She say anything about me?"
trump about his friend Epstein: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
When the GOP used to be a legitimate political party instead of a cult they would have tossed Hershel Walker out on his head. Now, the cult of hypocrisy won't let anything, no matter how hypocritical and embarrassing, stand in the way of their hate-filled racist fascist agenda. Despite proclaiming that abortion is murder, Walker paid a girlfriend to have an abortion, and even his own son is saying his denials are lies. trump, Walker, Marjorie Taylor Greene.... the GOP used to have sense of shame. It was the GOP, in fact, that began the movement to throw out its own trash named Nixon. No more.