And yet you have selected the realty that you accept. Do you still play with Hobbes or did you trade him in for a blowup of Kamala Harris on her knees?
Are you noticing that lefty liberal douchebags always have that look about them? They just seem so fucking unhappy and irritated at the world. They are such miserable people.
It is that head tilt to the left. That frown. You can see the frown behind the facemask. The glasses frame the irritated looking eyes. Their souls have been chained for so long by political correctness and social justice. They are about to go into a fit of rage over the slightest thing. Like "who didn't put their plate in the dishwasher!" kind of thing.
that guy, the viking dude, he makes no such claims. also i cant help but notice you dont make many argumemts, you just post images and links. i am quite confident i can convince you that you are wrong about most things you think. that is a real opportunity for you to sharpen your views against somebody wiser than you, so try making actual points from your own mind instead of posting memes etc