Bingo, and and you left out he is a puppet for the CCP. What gets to me the most is that people don't or can't see that everything the Democrats accuse the Republicans of doing, they have been doing for years. They get away with because of the media. Trump acted in the best interest of the entire country. This put a crimp in their corrupt pocket lining ways.
Wouldn't be surprised if we've seen the last of the GOP. I can see the Constitutional or Libertarian Parties rising up and taking the baton away from them and relegating them to the dust bin of history. There is just too many never trumpers, which means they hold the values of never trumpers, who hold the same values as Democrats. So .. no need to vote for them. Just vote for the Democrat.
Its fucking terrifying and what is worse is if THIS is public what the fuck do they really have planned?
You need to seek professional help. On second thought, it probably wouldn't do any good. They would tell you that you are beyond help.