It used to be fun to shit on Rex and still is from time to time, but his mental deficiency is on a scale never seen before, so really, its kind of like picking on the retarded kid. But he brings it on himself with the garbage he posts from that diseased brain of his.
i bet trump got him with the mind control rays he got from the aliens he paid with stolen gold from fort knox
And yet you and your fellow shit swallowers haven't come up with a sensible reason why trump would hang on to those documents even after multiple warnings.
maybe the warnings were not properly worded, maybe there were not warnings at all, maybe their was an administrative snafu, maybe they did arrange a time to give em back, maybe somebody lost an email either at trump's or the archive folks, maybe the trump people are incompetent, maybe the govt people are incompetent, maybe the trump people thought the documents so insignificant as to not be a pressing issue, maybe it was totally unnecessary to get them and it was a political move. maybe a million things. doesnt seem wise to jump to "trump was selling nuclear secrets" the govt overproduces "top secret" documents. they mark everything secret. according to the article you posted: "there might be more information that is classified by the U.S. government than is unclassified, in any library, anywhere. In 2004, the physicist Peter Galison tallied the amount of classified material produced every year and found that “about five times as many pages are being added to the classified universe than are being brought to the storehouses of human learning, including all the books and journals on any subject in any language collected in the largest repositories on the planet.” The government certainly has more classified data than exists unclassified in the entire Library of Congress. Mistakes will be made, especially by officials who are flagrantly heedless of basic procedure." but sure, go ahead and assume dr evil was selling nuclear rockets to sandinistas. i heard he was also using a machine that would black out the sun and hold the world for ransom like mr burns on the simpsons
And yet you and your fellow trumpians haven't come up with a single sensible reason why trump would hang on to those documents, even after multiple warnings. What sort of dipshit unAmerican cult member shit swallower is OK with a mercenary losing president taking SCI nuclear secrets home with him for god knows what reason?
i note again, its interesting how frequent your criticisms are imagined events. you imagine trump is selling nuclear secrets, you imagine us losing our democracy to a viking hat guy. also, you generally wont entertain questions about the actual likelihood of these events. you want the mere mention of themself to itself be incriminating. you, like many liberals, have started defining everything in terms of hating trump and imagining him to be dr evil. TDS, bud. a bad case if it. you are not big on actual policy criticism.
Ohio GOP State Senators are the $#*!
I wonder if it could be Liberal(s) who sent in the green feces? Feel bad for the secretaries that opened the letters. More of a a health risk than anything that happened on Jan 6th. Except the shooting of unarmed Ashli Babbitt by a Liberal black man.