I can understand how you might not like Donald Trump. After all he has been the target of nonstop misinformation by the media, big tech and leftist politicians. What I can't understand is how anybody but the most radical leftist could actually think that Biden is doing a good job so far. In his inauguration speech he called for unity. Since that speech he has done everything in his power to create even more division.
The same John Kerry that took his gas guzzling private jet to Iceland to accept an environmental award? The next 4 years will be one huge joke on Americans - but a joke that will make us cry.
That is total b.s. and nothing more than a CNN/DNC talking point. Trump was closing down travel while the Democrats were calling him a xenophobe. The verdict on HCQ has come out and Trump was right, while the Democrats and Elites engaged in a false campaign that resulted in States prohibiting HCQ use and costing thousands of lives. But even at that, Warpspeed eliminated the FDA hurdles and facilitated a rapid rollout of a vaccine. Truth be known, Pfizer could have come out with the vaccine before the election .. but ... yep, they are big Democrat Supporters and delayed the vaccine rollout to prevent Trump from getting any credit. Further, a new report has come out that shows the CDC inflated the numbers. And Trumps handling of the economy was stellar. Good luck seeing that kind of economic response with a Biden and Heels. They are too busy worrying about guys showering in girls locker rooms, social justice, BLM, and of course, Climate Change.
Man. What a shit show huh? Most armed citizenry on the planet and we forgot to bring our guns to the big show! Also, Hey Winston!
I will have to agree ... Trump just didn't know how to play the game (afterall, he's not a teabaggin, piece of shit politician). He could have gotten a LOT done, but he didn't. I used to think Trump played the Media, but the Media in a way played Trump as well. The dude just couldn't help himself when someone would say something negative about him ... he just had to pop off! While I was all on board with Trump throwing it back at the Elitists Media, .. sometimes, he would have been better off to leave it alone, especially when it involved individuals. People latched onto "fake news" ... but they rejected personal insults of individuals. But really, Trump lost 2020 the minute he won 2016. The INSIDER Beltway crowd, was not about to let him destroy what they've built over decades. They own the FBI, CIA, etc etc. Navarro is talking about how Barr fast tracked all 40 or so of Biden's EOs., while he slow walked Trumps. The FBI hasn't touched the election fraud cases ... and they WONT!! Not even the Supremes were willing to stand up for the law, and demand the questions be answered, at least not until AFTER the corpse was propped up on the throne. If there is to be any halting this march towards socialism, it will have to come from the STATES! Conservatives should really focus on the STATES ... take ALL the State Houses and Governorships they can and pass law that prohibits the manipulation by the Fed. Prohibit Democrats in leftist precincts from manipulating elections with LAW, such that a 2020 never happens again. That is the value of acknowledging the claims of fraud, demanding investigations into the cases! ... Governments aren't likely to pass law to prevent fraud if they buy into the Democrat lie that there was none.