just about sums it up..... from the twitter machine: @loganclarkhall · Feb 4 for those keeping score: the party of science has told us this past week that triple masking makes sense, there’s no difference between guys and girls playing sports, schools can’t reopen despite CDC guidance, and private jet flights are necessary to fight climate change.
Don't forget about the pipeline workers who can learn to build solar panels if they move to where they are made - China
China Joe opens door for CCP to access our power grid. Why bother with power grid destroying electromagnetic weapons when you can just log in. Seriously, this is dangerous AF and a real national security threat. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com...oor-for-china-to-influence-our-electric-grid/ https://disrn.com/news/biden-reverses-trump-ban-on-chinese-communist-involvement-in-us-power-grid
To say the first weeks of the Biden presidency have been disappointing is an understatement. His use of the executive orders, the content of those orders and complete capitulation to the progressive democrats is as bad as many of you predicted. The lost of the Georgia senate seats will go down as a disaster for conservatives and the United States. Hopefully the country will survive the next two years to give Republicans and opportunity to recover power and reverse his actions. BTW don’t jump on me. I voted for Trump too. However too many wouldn’t listen to the fact he was destructive to the conservative movement and Republican Party.
I don't even know what to say about this. If nothing else, the military leadership should be vehemently against it. Even more evidence of this administration's involvement with one of our main enemies. You think China would do the same for us?
The reality, IMO, is it was not Trump ... it was the MEDIA'S depiction of Trump that was destructive to EVERYTHING!! Ya have to acknowledge that Trump's main fault, his words, were just about always in response to a lie propagated by the media. Put it in the larger context, the Liberals feel entitled to control. The narrative will always be one that promotes their authority. Trump, unlike most republicans, was an obstacle to that goal.
Amen! The fricken Republicans have screwed us at every turn. Even Reagan exchanged Amnesty for NOTHING (ie., a promise to strengthen the border that was never kept). Bush might as well have been a democrat. McCain was a Democrat, as was/IS Mittens (seriously, NO Conservative can be elected Gov in Mass.). Trump has been the first Pres to actually keep his promises.
I'm convinced you hate the Dems. In this post you don't have any kind words for the GOP. Which political affiliation, if any, do you like?